Holding a cup of brewed up hot Mars chocolate with Nestle chocolate topping spreading above, keeping my hands surrounding the cup to generate some warmth to my chilling hands, standing next to the window of pantry room. Looking through outside to the lower ground was a busy market selling all sort of fresh vegetables, colorful fruits, flowers as well as daily utilities. Many people walking while some were rushing their ways in different directions, they were crossing each other’s path and heading very directly to their known direction. The floor seemed to have numerous invisible route lines drawn as when they cut through each other they would never clash. Among the moving people there were older citizens moving on electrical four wheels. They sat on comfortable a cushion of the vehicle, the vehicle looked like our motorcycle but it has extra two wheels and it is lower and looked more stable. It is electrical powered and older citizens other than disable will utilize it to enable them moving in town and live independently. They will drive beside the road and put their goods in the basket in front. Flock of birds flew from one place to another place, seeking for the next resting stop, little boys chasing up their friends in front, one of them running with his pet dog and the poor dog ran very strenuously to reach the same footstep as the boy, daughter accompanying her old mother shopping in the market…. I put down my hot mug, one bite on my sandwich, and one sip on the hot choc. This is how I spent my 45 mins break in the Boots Bulwell Pharmacy, the place where I worked for my summer placement.

Bulwell town centre and market
Shop lots along commercial road, Bulwell
This is the only time where I could rest my sore legs and have a peaceful mind to myself.
After work, I put on a coat and scarf round my neck then left the busy store. I passed through the market place in front of the store then walked passed shop lots to reach the bus station. Two parallel roles of roads of opposing direction, each road with two to three bus stops for different buses and different destination. I waited for bus 79, a double Decker bus looping around City centre and Bulwell town. 10 mins parted and I got up the bus after showing my day trip ticket to the friendly bus driver. Sit down on my favourite seat, the third role on the left near the window.
Taking bus to work is something interesting because we could meet the same who are people going to the same place at the same time routinely, this is especially in the morning when everybody is going to work. I saw a black guy everyday wearing a purple outfit matched with formal trousers. I also saw a lady who likes wearing shorts or short skirt in the cold weather, it never changed even during rainy days. Because of a particular bus will go round fixed bus stop picking up passengers following fix route map therefore bus could be a good place to meet guys or gals. One day while going to work, I saw a lady came up and she sat on the same role but next column from me. Normally when we caught a seat we will sit to the inside and reserve the outer side for others. But she did not. After a few stops, I saw she was getting nervous slightly from her finger rubbing action. She then sat straight and tided her hair. I felt weird and guessed that she might be waiting for someone. There it went. A guy popped up at the next stop and the guy was looking straight to the lady with cheerful smiling face while the gals replied the same. I tasted a sense of sweetness in the air. The guy sat next to the gal and they began chit chatting. I guessed they both got to know each other in the bus sometimes ago and then they progressed.
Then I reached at the Victoria station. I walked down the street to come to the Old Market Square, passing lots of branded fashion shops like JD, Primark, Zara, Clark, Debenham, Schuh..etc. Every time I did not have time to walk in because the time I passed by were either before their openings or after their closings. In front of the old clock tower was the old market square. It was a public open air square that allows people to sit down and courting. Couples hugging on the stone benches. I walked across the tram lanes to the bus stations; there I can take bus 13 or 14 to Beeston, a town near to my house. This place is so nice, what a typical UK scenery. You can see grand and old brown British building, huge architecture of clock towers, old churches and grey pigeons flying then stopping on the ground, pecking for grains on the ground. I like this city. It is Nottingham city, a city of UK where I would probably be in for the years to come.
Old market Square
Front view
Victoria centre
Along old Market square
Rain had just stopped. Pigeon's caught stopping in the air.
Took this from the bus station's bench. Pigeons were everywhere like I told you earlier.
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