Friday, February 20, 2009



爱情不等于家庭,因为和我们建立家庭的未必是我们最爱的人。至死不渝的爱情经得起时间的考验,无论多少的分开, 中间夹着多少人的出现,或我们在空缺期间又跟谁在一起,再重逢后又在逼不得已之下再分开,最纯真浓厚的爱情会经得起风浪,时间或内心的煎熬过后还屹立不倒。爱情在乎的不在于它的长短,而是在于它的质量。我们的心中都有一个First Priority, 但往往我们最想要得都比较难得到,但我们的心里还是回存藏那个First Priority. 人难免会空虚,有时会迷路,在心灵或肉体的需求下我们会不自觉地接受我们生活中出现的Second Priority. 因为生活和习惯性的陪伴下我们会错觉这个Second Priority就是那个人。但是经过长一点的时间,心里经历沉淀,就算有个Second Priority在身边,我们会懂得其实First Priority才使所有, First Priority 才是幸福所在。平凡的与Second Priority过生活直到缘分再把我们与First Priority拉近,然后和First Priority在一起。虽然听起来很自私,但要是永不放弃, 一步步地向心中的坚持进行,我相信连上天也会被感动。想说的是,无论多少障碍,只要认定那个First Priority 而你也是他的First Priority的话,我们是不应该放弃的。可能他现在迷路,错觉以为出现的那个Second Priority就是他想要的,但迷路到极限,昏醉到极点,一个人也会清醒,找到迷失的路口。一切就只在于时间。 至死不渝的爱情经得起时间的考验的,我们真得不应该放弃爱着我们的First Priority就算付出的代价是孤独,寂寞,或是让Second Priority暂时爱着,因为First Priority 会是生命的方向,生活的坚持。事业此时举足轻重,它可帮助消磨时间,证明自己,扶助坚持。它也大可以减少Second Priority的可能。“我和某某人相爱了六十年”这句话很感动,真实故事却会是更感动。我追求这种“重一而终”的恋爱模式, 说的并非完全不接受其他人,因为现实的残酷,陪伴的渴望,其他人是有可能被接受然而在一起的,只是内心会比较不公平的分比较大一块给First Priority而以. 就算六十年里只有六年才正正和First Priority在一起,甚至到了年老时才能重逢, 一切的付出与等待还是值得的,我还是会这么做。



P@nD@ Baby KinG said...


de money world said...


anne_jo520 said...

Babe, but if u were tgt with the "second priority" for another 54 years, wont u fall for him by then already? Wont 54 years long enough for you to forget about your "first priority" completely? I wonder......

Anyway, it's another beautifully written post again. You're so good in writing. Hugs.

de money world said...
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de money world said...

Dear anne, perhaps after 54 years I may fall in love with the second pririty, but it is either 日久生情kind of affection or in the 54 years there is NOT ONLY one second priority. If it is not the First priority, I think that it doesnt matters how many second priority there are.

Miss u babe..

anne_jo520 said...

Eh make sense too!!!!!!
Sigh why are we so loyal???

Babe, come to liverpool la...
When will u be visitng me arrrr???

de money world said...

visit you in summer? Are you free to entertain me anot first? I heard that nata is going to find u next friday right?

How are you now? Sweet sweet from Milan? lol

anne_jo520 said...

Yala. come and visit me together with NAta laaaaaa..
COME!!!!! You are always welcomed laaaa... hehehe

Milan trip was great laaaa.. seriously. =)